Hip Bursitis

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    What is Hip Bursitis?

    Also called Hip Bursitis, Trochanteric Bursitis, or Iliotibial Band Friction Syndrome, it is a painful condition that typically affects fluid-filled sacs that help cushion the bones, muscles, and tendons around the joint. Trochanteric bursitis is often associated with sports like football and similar sports that involve a lot of running. These spores can cause overuse and irritation of the bursa, causing inflammation. Bursitis can sometimes occur after a fall on your hip or after a surgical procedure of the hip. Certain spinal diseases, rheumatoid arthritis, and leg length disparity increase your risk of developing hip bursitis.

    What Are the Symptoms of Hip Bursitis?

    Uncomfortable pain on the outside of the hip can be a sign of hip bursitis. The pain may cause the person to wake up at night, especially when lying on that side. The pain may get worse when going up and down stairs, getting up from sitting, and getting into or out of a car.

    How is Hip Bursitis Diagnosed?

    Physical examination of the hip reveals tenderness and swelling around the painful bursitis. Your doctor may order an X-ray to check for any bony prominences that may cause irritation to the bursa. If the cause of the pain is not very clear, your doctor may order an MRI to see soft tissues and structures that are not visible on the X-ray.

    What are the Treatment Options for Hip Bursitis?

    To correct the existing muscle imbalance, exercises to strengthen the gluteal muscles and myofascial release to stretch tight hip flexors are performed. Manual lumbar mobilization may be required to relieve lumbar stiffness, and foot biomechanics may also be needed. Cold application, ultrasound, and electrical stimulation may relieve local pain, and steroid injections may provide short-term relief. But for lasting improvement, underlying muscle imbalances need to be addressed with a comprehensive manual therapy and exercise plan.

    However, if there is no response to conservative treatment methods, your doctor may recommend surgical removal of the bursa.